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Learning Experience Designer

На Локали с август 2023





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Как мне довелось здесь оказаться

After the full scale invasion of Russia to Ukraine we decided to leave Moscow as we were not supporting the regime and actions of the government. We first headed to Georgia and spent some time there until we discovered that my husband was enrolled to the Vienna Academy of Arts. So we thought that this is an experience worth trying out. And voila! We were in Vienna, figuring out how to build life from scratch and establishing relationships with our new home, Vienna.

Чем я занимаюсь

I am currently working as a freelance learning experience designer. I help startups and businesses to build meaningful and enriching learning experience for their employers or clients.

В чем изюминка моего города

Vienna is controversial: you can fall in love with it or hate it. Isn't controversial interesting and tempting to discover? 😏

Что особенного могу показать

I have moved to Vienna almost a year ago, in October 2022. Our relationship with the city has been up and down, but for the last couple of months it has rooted at the ‘up’ stage. Vienna is a multifaceted city. Multifaceted and yet very charming. You need to dive into it and accept the unspoken laws by which the city lives. As my love with Vienna was not the first-sight kind of love, I had to look for something that would strike me, make me feel at home, that's why I have my own landscape of the city, which is totally different from the mainstream one. And this landscape, carefully crafted and created by my friends and me, I want to share :)

Не важно, какого локали Вы выберете и куда отправитесь в путешествие. Цена — едина.

Необязательно выбирать только одну конкретную прогулку из списка. Локали с удовольствием подберет для вас персональную программу, которая может быть сложена сразу из нескольких прогулок. А может вы получите вовсе что-то эксклюзивное и секретное, чего нет на сайте! Насчет стоимости переживать не стоит - все просто и прозрачно. Итоговая цена сложится автоматически, отталкиваясь от единого тарифа:


Чаще всего, 3-4 часа


Весь день

Обычно 6-8 часов



Обычно 1-2 часа


На заказ

Поделитесь с нами своим видением поездки или проекта, и мы всё подготовим для вас ❤️

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Исследуйте Вена с Vladislava

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